Finishing Touches Stairs & railings

Staircases and Hand railing Site Index

Welcome to the Finishing Touches website, your best resource for staircases and handrailing.
Inside you will find detailed information and specifications on stairs, handrail, newel posts and balusters.

Handrail and Staircase information Index - Finishing Touches -

Staircase and Handrail Image Gallery Index - Finishing Touches -

Stair and Handrail Component Menu - Finishing Touches - - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings - Handrail Index

Stair and Handrail Component Introduction - Finishing Touches -

Stair Finishing -  Guidelines on how to finish your stairs and stair railings by Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings

Railing Parts : Handrail profiles and Component Index

Handrail Style 1s - - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings

Handrail Style 1r - - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings

Handrailing Style 1L - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 2r - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 2L - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 2xl - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 3 - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 4 - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 5R - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 5L - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 6 - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 7 - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 8r - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 8L - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 9 - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 10s - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrailing Style 11- Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style 12 - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrailing Style 13 - - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style PathR - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Handrail Style PathL - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railings -

Railing Parts : Baluster profiles and Component Index

Colonial Baluster style 1 3/4" - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railing

Colonial Baluster 1 3/4" large image view

Baluster style Fenmar 1 5-16" - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railing

Fenmar Baluster 1 5-16" - large image view

Baluster style Provincial 1 3-4" - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railing

Provincial Baluster 1 3-4" - large image view

Standard #1 baluster 1 3-4" - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railing

Standard #1 Baluster 1 3-4" - large image view

Standard #1 Baluster style 1 5-16" - Finishing Touches Stairs and Railing

Standard #1 Baluster style 1 5-16" - large image view

Stairs and Handrailing Image gallery

Oak and painted stair and railing picture - Finishing Touches - Image gallery

#3 railing with square pickets and Grand newel post - Finishing touches - stairs and railing images

#3 railing with square pickets and Grand newel post (2) - Finishing touches - stairs and railing images

Maple stair and railing pictures (index)- Finishing Touches Staircases and Handrailing-

#4 railing style with standard #1 baluster - image Id maple8-1 -Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

#4 railing style with standard #1 baluster - image Id maple8-2 - Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

Self supporting landing system - plan view - image Id maple8-3 - Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

#4 railing style with standard #1 baluster - image Id maple8-4 - Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

#4 railing style with standard #1 baluster - image Id maple8-5 - Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

#4 railing style with standard #1 baluster - image Id maple8-6 - Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

#4 railing style with standard #1 baluster - image Id maple8-7 - Finishing Touches -(stairs and railings images)

Oak stair and railing pictures (image index)- Finishing Touches -

#1L railing style with 1 3-4" oak colonial baluster - Image Id- Pickoak1 - Finishing Touches - (stair & railing pictures)

#1L railing style with 1 3-4" oak colonial baluster - Image Id- Pickoak2 - Finishing Touches - (stair & railing pictures)

#1L railing style with 1 3-4" oak colonial baluster - Image Id- Pickoak3 - Finishing Touches - (stair & railing pictures)

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